Wednesday, November 15, 2006


One cool thing about working in a high school is that every once in a while I get to participate in these little assessment exercises that the kids do in class. Yesterday in Biology we did this questionnaire to figure out whether we were right brained or left-brained. It was just a bunch of questions like, "I like to be organized" and things like that...Well, the short version is that I came out to be middle-brained. Which, of course, is something that I've known all along, but it was good to get validation of that. I think that most people I know either see one side of that or the other. People usually don't see both sides. For anyone who doesn't know, people who are right-brained tend to be more artistic in nature while people who are left-brained tend to be more logical. We in the middle exhibit some characteristics of both. So, I was very happy to see that I was a middle-brained person. That must mean I'm well-rounded!

Oh, so one more quick thing before I go off to work: apparently, I'm getting married soon. One of the girls from work--the OT, Hannah--has decided that I have to marry her friend. She is setting up this Christmas dinner thing with a bunch of her girl friends and invited me so that I could meet her friend. She says that instead of bringing some dish, I could just bring a ring!


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